I am learning to surmise text and to respond to the text.
I know I learnt how to surmise my text because in this book I have said what this is mostly I wrote about the main idea.
This book is mainly about.The life cycle of eels and how dams are not helping their migration.
This is the life cycle of an eel. Their parents form eggs, once the eggs are made their parents die. After this they form into a larvae . A larvae is an immature form of an insect or other animal . It will then transform into a transparent eel called a glass eel they then grow until they are ready to spawn this means until they are ready to breed they make their eggs and they die and there generation goes on like that for years. Many people are saying that eels might just get extinct this is because of hydro dams and other reservoirs block the migration of elvers up stream so their generation will stop.
I learnt the life cycle of the book because I didn’t really known much about eels and now I know there are long fin eels short fin eels and that their parents die once they form eggs. I recommend this book to fluent readers and advanced readers this is because some words were very hard and challenging.
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Hi Rangimarie,it's Tehanah I like your book review because you hooked in all of the main ideas. your book review helped me to post and to Tautoko me in posting and writing my own book review. Blog you later.