I believe Kaikohe should be plastic bag free. Plastic bags are destructive, non-biodegradable and they are made of non-renewable resources. Isn't this heartbreaking? So, do you think Kaikohe should become a plastic bag free town? Yes or No?
If we stop plastic bags in our town we will save so much innocent marine animals lives. Plastic bags can choke or poison fish, animals and birds. Do you know how much marine animals die from plastic bags each year? 100000, this is so disappointing! Right now you might be thinking why should we be plastic bag free anyway they're just animals. You should be plastic bag free because our vulnerable animals die they do have feeling you know. So come on Kaikohe save our animals!
You must also think of or environment, plastic bags are ruining our environment at least half of the litter blown from landfills is some kind of plastic, mostly plastic bags. Added to this the ingredients used to make plastic bags are awful one of the ingredients is petroleum and petroleum is bad because people have to dig it up. Our environment is way more important than plastic bags.
Furthermore, visual pollution is growing in Kaikohe. A major thing that plastic bags do to our town is make it look hideous our town could be so gorgeous but instead all of the plastic bags that fly from our landfills and become litter ruin that chance. So Kaikohe should be plastic bag free.
Making types of plastic can damage someone's health. For example when making polyvinyl chloride plastic you could get cancer, skin diseases, deafness, vision failure, indigestion, and liver dysfunction. This is so dangerous! Kaikohe can make a change and put a stop to this.
In summary I think Kaikohe should become plastic bag free. It is unfair that our amazing marine animals have to suffer because of us and that our environment has to be filthy. So what do you want to have a beautiful town and all animals safe or animals dying from choking on plastic bags. Come on Kaikohe make a wise decision.
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